Deep-Fry Fridays: Mochi Iso Recipe
When I’m out for dinner I like checking out what other people are eating. I tend to do it unobtrusively – although Mike begs to differ – but when something really catches my eye, I’ll ask the staff...
View ArticleTamago-Yaki Recipe
My favourite sushi restaurant makes a fantastic tamago-yaki. While we sit at the sushi bar and watch the chefs making sushi, I always eye the big golden yellow block of tamago. Their tamago is...
View ArticleClay-Pot Miso Chicken Recipe
Most people, when they think of clay-pot chicken rice they imagine glossy brown chicken, sweet and juicy Chinese sausage, and fluffy soy-saucy rice served in a clay pot. I, on the other hand, just...
View ArticleYakimochi/Grilled Mochi Recipe
I have a bag of mochi sitting in my fridge, just waiting to be puffed up, brushed with soy sauce and sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds. Grilled mochi makes the best snack: it’s fast, filling and...
View ArticleMiso Marinated Black Cod Recipe
Fish is one of those things that I always vow I’ll cook more of. The other day I had a fabulous miso black cod at my favourite sushi joint and it was so good I was inspired to make it at home. Black...
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